Where is Addison?

There she is!!!

Addison LOVES playing Peek-a-Boo. Last week I went to get Addison from her crib after a good nights rest. As you all know she loves being in her crib. When I went in there she was just hanging out, and I could tell she wasn't ready for me to pick her up. She had picked up her blanket and pulled it over her face. And then pulled it back down. She did it a couple of times. I thought is was so cute that she was playing peek a boo with me. I thought it was just a fluke until she was downstairs the next day and found another blanket and did it again. It is hilarious to watch her. She will grab the blanket and pull it up over her face, and then as soon as you say, "Where's Addison?" She will pull it down, and you will see the biggest smile ever. It is so adorable that we just had to share it with everyone. Tim and I just can't get enough of her!
Love peekaboo! She is so cute! Berk loves it too, and will stand on the back of the pew at church and play it with whomever is sitting back there, it is a great way to keep them entertained!
That is so super cute. Bailey started doing that about a week ago too. I thought it was a fluke too, but she will do it when she wants to play. It is so much fun to see them grow and develop. We need to get these girls together!
Kim, You have to email me so we can find a time to get together. beckyljames@gmail.com
She is so cute Kim! What a little sweetheart!
oh tim, i should have known i'd come across a blog for you eventually. fantastic. glad to see things seem to be going well. and congrats on the baby (i seem to be a bit late on that.) have fun with the blogs!
by the way, how do you know all the mauss's? i grew up with those kids. fancy that.
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