It is true, Our sweet lil' pumpkin is having her first birthday. Since Addison was born on Halloween we decided this year to celebrate her birthday with family on Saturday the 27th. Before I get into all the details, let me first start out by saying we had a great weekend. We had a fun filled Saturday so this is just a warning that these next few posts might be a little long. I want to quickly tell you a funny story about Friday night. Tim and I stayed home because I needed to finish cleaning our house and then baking all the yummy treats for Addison's Birthday Party. Tim was so nice to tell me that while I was baking and probably going to be up late, that he would be nice enough to stay up with me. These were his exact words, "This is going to be so much fun, while you are baking I can play Halo 3, that way you won't be up by yourself." Isn't Tim a nice guy. Actually I really did like the fact that he was just in the other room. I kept telling him to keep playing. It's quite enjoyable listening to him talk to his buddies on his headset.
So on to Addison's Birthday Party. . . I was trying to decide on a theme and since she was born on Halloween I thought it would be cute to do a pumpkin theme. Hence the, "Our lil' pumpkin is turning one. (If any of you need an idea for a October Birthday Party next year, I think this was a fun one.)

To go along with the pumpkin theme we served pumpkin chocolate chip bread, pumpkin shaped sugar cookies, cupcakes with pumpkin confetti on them, rice krispies and brownies in the shape of pumpkins of course, and pumpkin shaped sandwich cookies (I will post the recipe later. Trust me you will want it, they are delicious)
Here are the fall marble magnets I made for party favors.
Addison had such a great time. I was a little worried since she didn't want to take a nap before the party. But with no nap she was as happy as could be. She even let everyone hold her, which is a big thing, because she used to be a big mommy and daddy's girl. It was so much fun watching her open her presents. Addison received so many fun things, clothes, toys, dolls, boots. Here are some pictures of her opening up some of her presents.
She loved this princess pillow that my cousin, Brooke, and her family gave her. It opens up and has different princess stories inside.
I know what you are thinking no birthday cake? Tim and I decided we wanted to wait and let her eat one on her actual Birthday.
Addison wanted to say thanks for all the wonderful gifts and for celebrating her birthday with her, she had great time. I also wanted to say thanks for coming. I always have so much fun being able to get together with my family. Thanks for making Addison's special day a memorable one and I hope you all had a great time. One last big thank you to my mom. You are the best, I truly appreciate all your help last week and for coming early to help set up.
First of all, I just have to say you are probably the ideal Mom! How cute are you to go through all that work to give your lil' pumpkin the perfect birthday! (see, October birthday's can be fun :) And second- I seriously, LOVE that Octopus costume, that is the cutest thing ever! Really though, you're gonna have to give me some lessons on being a good wife/host/mom. You are too cute!
Wow...check out that spread! You did a great job. Addison will thank you one day! She is to-die-for-cute, it's a good thing she will probably be my daughter-in-law!
What a cute idea! We had a little party last night. What day exactly is her birthday? How fun!
Happy Birthday Addison!
So cute!! I'm not at all surprised at how cute everything was... you are the best mom!
how cute! it is so fun watching them get older, but so sad at the same time. you are so creative though. those invitations were adorable and same with the favor. i wish i had a halloween baby. i think it is the funnest time of year. lets get together for sure. maybe we could do a date night. i want to meet your hubby and i think that the all of us katie, miche, you and I as couples would have a lot of fun. too bad kellys not here! let me know if one of these weekends is good for you.
Love it, next time I have a party i am gonna call you. Although i do think you get to have way more fun with a girl party than you do with a boy!
Hey you guys,
The pictures from the party are adorable!! It looks like it was a great time! I hope you don't feel too bad we did not make it. It looks like you had plenty of people to share in the fun! Give Addie lots of love from us!
Keri Beth
Dear Tim,Kim, and Addison,
I feel so bad that we had to miss the party. It looks like it was the grandest event of the year! I can't tell you how blessed I feel when I read your blog and look at your pictures to know that I am that sweet little girl's grandma. It seems unbelievable that she is a year old already! Give her a hug and kiss for me and Grandpa.
Love, Grandma Marlene
I am so happy that you found me. What a fab party, of course I knew you would be a mom that we all wanted! I think a chi-o convention is a battle. Stay in touch!
Happy Birthday sweet Addison! She is too cute. You did such fun things for her party. We should have gotten together so you could have given me some of your cute ideas.
Wow! Everything is so cute! My oldest had a big B-day bash but, the rest of the kids haven't been so lucky!lol. Tell Addison Happy Birthday for us! (Not that she knows who we are!)Next time I need a Birthday ideas I know who to call!
Everything looks amazing Kim! You are quite the party hostess! Addison will love the photos and all the time you took to put a great party together!
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