I actually made this baby announcement a while ago. I thought it turned out darling, mostly because our new little niece is adorable. Marlon took that picture of Marlie when he was visiting for Christmas and I just fell in love with it. Anyways, just thought I would share it since I had talked to some of you about making baby announcements.
Love it! I've been trying to pursue my talent of Photography and just got some cool new tools for Photoshop to make vintage looking pictures. You are so good at the card, blog and annoucement thing...if I have a request for anything like that I will refer them to you if thats okay? If you want to email me a picture of Addi I would love to run it through the vintage action and email it back to you. She is such a cutie!
You really have a knack for what looks good, Kim! That turned out beautifully!
That's so cute! I just recently got into digital scrapbooking and am trying to learn the tricks of the trade and learn my way around Photoshop! By the way my last name is Singleton if you want to add it to your links ... I noticed I was like the only one that didn't have a last name. :)
That is adorable! You are really talented, Kim!
You are so good. I think that is beautiful.
m it is so cute! You have got to check out my friends website, this is all she does. She has 4 kids stays at home and does this at night when they are in bed! She did hundreds of Christmas cars last year, unreal!!!
You are sooo good. I love it.
Duh, the site is seasonsbysummer.com
So cute! Add it to the list. :)
Kim our class reunion is the first part of August (maybe the 2). If you want to email me your email address callisterfamily@hotmail.com I will forward you the email I got. Have a good day!
It turned out so good! I love it and of course the baby is darling too.
Why am I not surprised... you are a pro!
This looks amazing!
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