10. Bug season is over, no more mosquito's, flies etc. (No more worrying about West Nile, or not being able to sleep because you are itching your 7 mosquito bites that you got in less than 30 minutes.)
9. Fall Clothes -coats, sweaters, boots, layering. (of course that's my reason, not Tim's)
8. Celebrating our Anniversary and our daughter's birthday. (Tim jokes that October is the new June.)
7. The cooler weather, the air is crisper. (This summer has been way to hot.)
6. Getting together with Family.
5. All the new seasons of our favorite shows start, no more reruns. (Greys, The Office, Heroes, Just to name a few of our many shows we watch, thanks DVR!)
4. Daylight Savings- Everyone loves gaining an extra hour of sleep.
3. The relaxing drive up the canyon with all the beautiful colors of the fall leaves.
2. Halloween, carving pumpkins. Haystacks and pumpkin patches. (Tim will now have to LOVE Halloween since it's his daughters birthday!)
1. Last but not Least, Football season starts. (GO BRONCOS!!)
So there you have it, the reasons why we love fall so much. I do have to tell you one little secret. Tim loves Fall by itself. He did tell me that there is one thing he doesn't like about Fall, and that is. . .Fall is followed by Winter.
I have to say I agree 100%! Fall has always been my favorite season, and I'm sure it always will be- not too hot, not too cold :)
nice top 10! But I would like to add one more - how about POST SEASON BASEBALL!! Hello - the best playoff sport ever!! I know we will be cheering for the Broncos at our house!
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