For a month now, Addison has been cruising around the coffee table, couches and anything else she can hold on to. So after Addison's morning nap I decide to go and buy her a little walker. I decided to drive to Orem because Babies R Us and Toys R Us are right next to each other. I first go into Babies R US, knowing they probably won't have much of a selection. But I had a coupon for $5 off any purchase over $25. I was right, they didn't have what I was looking for, but no need to worry I still managed to us my coupon. (Sorry Tim) But I have to say I was able to get some great items. For instance, this little Tray for the Bumbo seat. I like to feed Addison cereal in my front room so I can watch a little TV. She will sit in the Bumbo but then she always manages half way through breakfast to get out. Well not anymore. I wished I would have bought this early. Here is a picture of it. If you have the Bumbo I definitely think you should purchase this. It is only $9.99.

After that trip I made my way next door to Toys R Us. Since there are so many fun toys, I started to get a little distracted looking at what I could buy Addison for her Birthday. But I managed to stay focused and picked up the Activity Walker and was on my way home.
Addison is trying to get down the pushing and the walking at the same time. She moves pretty slow right now, but I know she will learn quickly and be crusin' in no time. Here is a picture of Addison with her new walker.

I love these kinds of toys, she will play at it long after she needs it to walk! And the bunbo tray is the best!
seriously - tell Addison to get cuter! She is so cute and she is as big as this walking toy:)
That is great. I have been wanting to go to Toys R Us, now I will really have too. Isn't it funny how fun it is to buy babies things?
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