**I just wanted to add this since I have had some people ask me who took Addison's pictures. Skye Johansen is the wonderful, talented photographer who took them. She does an amazing job and I would totally recommend her. You can visit her website by clicking here.**

These are just gorgeous Kim! Love them...she should be a little model!
I love those pictures! What a cutie!!!
Okay...so where did you get your pictures taken? I LOVE them. I can't find a place where I want to take Bailey. Also, where did you get that cute pink and brown outfit?
Oh my cute! I tell you she should be a model.
How beautiful! Did Tim take your pictures?
So cute! I love getting pictures taken of my kids. Thanks for the comment. I check you guys out all of the time and I think that you are such a creative mom as well. I actually always think I wonder what we could ever come up with if we became friends! Sometime when you come up to see Tim's parents we may have to meet and let the girls play and let our creative minds run wild!
could she be any cuter? Those are so adorable.
Wow - those pics are amazing! Did you take them? Very talented photog. And what an adorable little subject you have!! I think the first one is my favorite, although I love the cake shots too. So cute!
Are you kiddin me?? SO CUTE! she did such a great job! Well worth it! She even smiled for some - NICE ADDIE! These are going to be fun to display in your house:)
Oh they are so cute Kim, You will have so much fun digi-scrappin these! Where did you get these taken?
I love them!! (Especially the cake photos)
She is so adorable...Love the naked ugg picture! She is seriously so sweet.
Oh, so cute! I love them. You are such a good mom, I still haven't had Berk's 12 mo taken, oh well 2nd child syndrom and al that!
Kim, those pictures are so cute! She looks like she was born to be in front of a camera; she's a natural! Maybe I could give her some pointers when Tim does my head shots!!:)
Thanks again for being so great with the pictures and Christmas cards. You guys are sure talented!
What a beauty!
We love the pictures, they are so cute!
So cute! She sure knows how to work the camera!!
Did you cut those out of a baby gap magazine? 'Cause that's what they look like! She is so precious. You two make one cute kid!
Oh, how cute. Those are darling!
Kim.. I am so happy I found your site. I am dying over these pictures of Addison! Wow she is so beautiful! your blog is amazing. I need you to teach me how to make a cute header and spice mine up a bit.
My blog is:katieboman.blogspot.com
I loved seeing your cute family.
Addison is so beautiful! It was fun to see you guys yesterday. She is getting to be lots of fun. Cam liked holding her, even though I was jealous! Thanks again for all of your help with Cam's party. I really appreciate all you did.
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