You can Digital Scrapbook- I have really enjoyed learning how to Digital Scrapbook, I do admit that I miss using the real paper and embellishments etc. There are so many pluses, and the convenience of digital, it's hard to not do it. Plus Tim is a lot happier now that my scrapbook stuff isn't all over our house. Here are some of my pages I've done. I'm not a pro or anything, but if you want to learn I would be happy to show you.

You can make Blog Banners- Here are a few that I have made.

You can make invitations, Thank You cards and this week I started making Christmas Cards. I know I have talked to some of you that wanted me to make you one. I have made about 10 different cards so far. I will email them to you so you can choose. Here are some examples. (FYI - I wanted to just throw in a photo so I could see the example better. The photos are from Addison's 6 month pictures.)

I think you are so dang cute. I loved the cookie post and now this one. Man, you a Martha Stewart in the making. We still need to do dinner. :)
kim...they are all darling. can you tell me the website that you said you get your digital scrapbooking stuff from?
Hi Kim,
Those pages are really cute! I really need to get that so I can get some scrapbooking done for my kids. (I am only 5 years behind.) I feel like if I can atleast start up again and stay updated that would be good. Hoe much does that program cost. I will have to put it on my Christmas list! I look forward to seeing soon! (Ya know what I mean.)
Keri Beth
I have somewhat figured out the photoshop thing but, man yours are just so much more creative! I think I just need to practice using Photoshop and it will get just takes so much time! Kim you are Martha Stewart but, better with all your domestic cuteness!
I love the pages Kim, they look so good!
I need to get into digital scrapbooking, especially the fact that you don't have your stuff all over the place. Thanks for helping me with my blog... you are so creative. I for sure want a Christmas card!
Cute Cute Cute!!! Okay, that makes me want to start digital scrapbooking. You are so creative.
Hey Kim,
I just found your blog through the Bacon's blog. It is too cute. I need to get your email address so that I can invite you to read my blog. -Emily Call
Are you kidding me!! Those pages are so cute! Good work momma Kim!
Hi, Kim!
I had to check out your digital scrapbooking examples. They are so cute! I would love for you to show me (or talk more to me) about how to get started! Thanks again to you and Tim for spending some precious Saturday time taking our pictures. I can't wait to see them!
Wow Kim - your stuff is AMAZING! You must have been the mastermind who did the signs at the church for the Christmas party. I was just admiring them today. :) I found your blog via Michelle's - hope you don't mind me peeking in on your life. You have such a cute family.
These are so cute...I'm just getting into this...thanks to you! You gave me those cute websites to download the free digital scrapbooking stuff. I love it!
Wow,your digital scrapbook pages are adorable. You have done such a great job. Photoshop is such a great tool and I hope to learn how to use it well one of these days. For now I'll just enjoy your creations!!!
Hey Kim and Tim! I love running into old friends! Your little girl is so so cute. She looks so happy all the time! I totally need help with my blog! How do you do all the cool banners and backgrouds. I have spent hours and hours trying?? PLEASE HELP!
Well I've been wanting to say something since your Martha Stewart B-day party :0) You are amazing! I'll have to try those cookies. Also I want to buy the Photoshop thing but I went online and there is like a million to choose from, which did you buy? Not sure what I need, I want to do pages,cards and pages for my blog.
Kim, Love the pages. I guess it doesn't only take knowing how to use the program but having the eye to put it all together!
Ok, I really want to love photoshop. I have the program, just no knowledge of how to use it! Cute posts, maybe I will have you make my blog banner sometime!
How is anyone supposed to live up to you? You are the most creative girl I know. How much do you charge for Christmas cards?
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