I got this recipe at my neighbors annual Cookie Swap. I didn't know or hadn't been to a cookie swap until a couple of years ago. They are so much fun, if you don't know what it is or if you want to start doing one with friends/neighbors this is what you do. Each guest will make around 3 dozen of one kind of treat/cookies and provide the recipe. (the amount made depends on the number of guest you will have, you typically want to make enough for everyone to be able to take 2-3 of each dessert.) Everyone comes and enjoys great conversation and some delicious appetizers. At the end of the night you will each take 2-3 of each dessert home. (So. . . if you make 3 dozen you leave with 3 dozen, I know that's a lot of treats) You can do this at any time, my neighbor always does hers around Christmas time.
These little cookies are delicious. They are so yummy that I just had to share the recipe. I made them for Addison's party so I used a small pumpkin cookie cutter. My neighbor, who I got the recipe from, made them around Christmas so she used a small Christmas tree cookie cutter.
1 cup soft butter
1/3 cup half and half
2 cups flour
1/4 cup butter
3/4 cup powdered sugar
1 egg yolk
1 tsp vanilla
food coloring
Mix ingredients for dough and chill slightly. Roll THIN and cut with small cookie cutters. Coat both sides of cookie with granulated sugar and prick with fork. (Bakes like pie crust.) Bake for 7-9 min at 375 until lightly browned. Remove and cool. Mix ingredients for filling until light and smooth. Sandwich 2 cookies with small amount of filling.
How funny! I just posted photos of these cookies on my blog! (I made them for Stella's blessing) I've never seen anyone else make them before...aren't they the best!
Oh by the way...this time when I made them I rolled them between two sheets of plastic wrap (you know how the dough is a little hard to work with) and it saved me so much time!
Also - I then baked them on parchment paper and it worked so much better...not one cookie broke!
I will have to try this, sounds yummy! I do love cookies and pastries!
Sounds yummy and I love the idea of a cookie exchange! We like to do recipe club in our ward once a month. We pick a theme and then everyone brings a dish and the recipe. We sit around chatting and eating!
oooo yes!! I loved those cookies! Good reason for me to bake! I seriously could eat like 100 of them and not feel guilty
Thanks so much for posting the recipe, I loved these cookies! You must have some pretty amazing neighbors!
I agree, these are yummy, yummy cookies! I will for sure have to make them.
I hosted a Christmas Cookie Party a couple years ago and it was so much fun. It sure is a great way to get some good recipes. I'll have to try these out!
So Teylor showed me those christmas cards. How in the heck are you so dang crafty? I try to be but man you are on a role! I am jealous! You will have to teach me all your tricks! By the way I just can not get over how cute Addison is! I always look forward to seeing your blog!
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