This is the question I ask Addison everyday. I will give her the choices of:
Flipped Out
Curled Under
My new favorite, Curly
and lastly Piggies.
Addie really likes getting her hair done. I think it has to do with the fact she gets to decide how she wants it done. Tim thinks it's cute that she gets make her own decisions on how she wants it. At the same time he's worried that for a two year old she's becoming a little too high maintenance.
Flipped Out
Curled Under
My new favorite, Curly
and lastly Piggies.
Addie really likes getting her hair done. I think it has to do with the fact she gets to decide how she wants it done. Tim thinks it's cute that she gets make her own decisions on how she wants it. At the same time he's worried that for a two year old she's becoming a little too high maintenance.